
Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 0

'John McVicar' was a London Bad Boy. He graduated to armed bank robbery and was Britain's "Public Enemy No. 1". He was captured and put into a high security prison. Will even the highest ...

Never Let Go(1960)

Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 0

A cosmetic salesman sets out to prove to himself and his wife that he is not a failure.


Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 0

The rise and fall of the rock singer Jim Maclaine, in the mid 60s, with his manager, Mike, and his group, "The Stray Cats."

What a Whopper(1961)

Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 0

A writer attempts to raise some cash by writing a book about the Loch Ness Monster. No publisher will take it because they all think there isn't really a monster. The writer and some of his...

Mix Me a Person(1962)

Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 0

Swinging coffee bars, cigarettes, jazz, youthful delinquency and a copper gets killed. Did Adam Faith pull the trigger? Can Anne Baxter prove his innocence in time?

Yesterday's Hero(1979)

Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 0

A has-been, alcoholic former soccer star determines to make a comeback. He gets help from his former girlfriend, now a rock star, and her partner.